Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Hideous Christmas Tree (December 21st, 2006)

There is really nothing cute like about my tree. It's not like Charley Brown's Christmas tree that though small and bare still had it own character that drew a person to fall in love with the branch. No, my tree is really just hideous. It stands awkward on all sides; every way you put it the thing looks like it's leaning. Then there are the bare spots! Gigantic bare spots that allow you to see through to the other side of the tree are more plentiful then the actual branches.

Kellee and Faith did their best to dress up this awkward giant with lots of lights and big ornate ornaments hiding all the openness, but to little avail. Alas! It is ghastly sight.

The sad thing is that I personally picked this tree out. We went to the Christmas tree lot down the street from us; one of those real ones where they actually grow and cut the tree down for you. I guess I pick out trees like I pick out shoes! What ever is descent looking and readily available; I don't like to spend a lot of time shopping. Thus the result overcharged for this leaning-ghastly giant.

As a side note, an hour after writing this Kellee called me frustrated and in great distress! The leaning tree had fallen over. Apparently we had the top straight but the bottom was leaning; thus some of our ornaments were broken. She got it back up and straightened the bottom, but of course it still looks likes it leaning!
The World's Greatest Tree Shaker!!!


Deanna said...

Ahh, that's where we used to get our Christmas trees when we lived in Fontucky. We loved going there. Miss roasting marshmallows and getting our tree "cleaned up". Now we just go to Target down the street.