Monday, July 2, 2007

Bubblegum Alley/ Roadside Americana SLO 3 (November 19 2006)

I have an increasing infatuation with Roadside Americana, folly architecture, and other roadside attractions. So on our trip to SLO, I made it a priority to visit the now infamous Bubblegum Alley. We accidently found this spot while walking around on our honeymoon, unbeknowst to us that this was a featured spot in many California tourist books.

Bubblegum Alley, By best guess started in the 60's by some college students and has grown ever since.
Checking out the Decor.

Face blowing bubble gum.

Stuck on Bubble Gum Alley.

My initials immortalized in Gum.

Pointing out Bubble Gum Alley.