Monday, July 28, 2008

Cadillac Ranch

One of our first main stops along the our trip was in Texas. When we left my house in Fontana late Saturday, I pretty much crashed out until we arrived in New Mexico for a quick bite to eat at McD's. From Alburqurque until Amarillo I was behind the wheel so not many pictures up until here.

This is one site that is in every travelling guide on Texas, Route 66, or eccentric things to see in the United States. So knowing that we were going to be so close, I told Jonathan that this was a must see on the trip and it didn't dissapoint. I was really suprised at how many people were out there checking out these cars and spray painting their names all over. There were probably thirty other people coming or going while we were there. I suppose in Texas this is tantamount to some kind of Cool California place to hang out.

A millionaire by the name of Stanley Marsh III built this tribute to the road. Cadillac ranch has become a mecca for travelers of the Mother Road (though it wasn't commissioned to be built until 1974 and is closer to I-40). There are 10 Cadillacs ranging from 1949-1964, that are placed with their ends up out in the middle of a field.


Maestra Jen said...


Cool pics! We've been there too. Very fun.

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Kristin said...

Hey !! What a great travel blog ... I am adding the link to mine. I enjoyed your photos a lot .. I'll be heading to the W in Westwood this week so I enjoyed checking our your LA trip from last year.