Tuesday, August 28, 2007

More pics of SF- Day 1

As Close to Alcatraz as we could get.

The Wharf
Anchored down
My little Sea Lion

Tied down

Trolley Time!!!

The Defenstration Building

Gettin up to be Down!

This guy claims to be in the movie Pursuit of Happyness.


contrarian 78 said...

the fisherman's wharf pic looks TOTALLY photoshopped....this looks to be the conspiracy of the 21st century. move over, moon landing and jfk!

Jenn Grigoryev (jenn of all trades) said...

i've only been to SF once, and i have to say your trip looks MUCH more fun than mine. all i remember of chinatown was a lady who sold those silk shirts screaming at me, "YOU TOO BIG! FOUR XL BIGGEST SIZE WE HAVE!!"
stupid chinatown.