Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Leaning Tower of Texas

The leaning Tower of Texas, or The Britten Water Tower is in every Route 66 book, and roadside attractions, book out there. It is another staple of Texas ingenuity of roadside advertising.

When we passed by, I really wanted to stop the car, get out and take some pictures. I thought it would have been awesome to make it look like I was pushing the tower over or stepping on it…something like that. But, we were already behind schedule and had already agreed to stop at the Largest Cross in the western Hemisphere. While, I think it was a good choice, I’m still kicking myself for not going with my gut on this one. So for the time, I’m stuck with just a quick snap-shot of the leaning towers just to prove I was there.

For those of you interested…Yes, the tower was built that way on purpose. Ralph Britten the owner of the tower intentionally cut one leg shorter than the rest to give it that nice lean look. It was a marketing ploy to get people to pull off the side of the road and stop at the Britten truck stop, garage, and restaurant.