Monday, June 8, 2009

Las Posada

We celebrated Christmas this year by having our semi-annual Ugly Christmas Party and by going to participate in Las Posada on Olvera Street. Interestingly enough, this was the first year I had ever heard of Las Posada. A couple friends of mine had recently left their Reformerd faith for the Roman Catholic version and shared with me their desire to observe Las Posada Celebration. Then a few weeks later, our friends the Waltons invited us to join them in L.A. for the commemeration. Apparently, while Amy's family lived Guatamala for several years as teachers they participated in Las Posada. Anyhow, if you know me then you know I love finding new (or old) ways to liven up my religious holy days. So, of course we accepted the invitation and made our way to the heart of Los Angeles. It was an enjoyable evening, the only negative is that it was too crowded. Next year, another city.
For those of you that don't know what Las Posada is, here is the Wikipedia link: Las Posada

The Nativity at the Gazebo o Olevra Street.

At the Church Nuestra SeƱora la Reina de Los Angeles... I think the flowers are for Our Lady of Guadalupe.
The Procession


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